Персонажи акварелью и цветными карандашами [Playful Illustration with Watercolor & Colored Pencils] [Domestika] [Daria Solak]


Команда форума
23 Янв 2020

Explore patterns, textures, colors, and composition to create meaningful portraits filled with personality
Portrait drawing is all about authenticity and spontaneity. With vivid colors, personalized details, and the quirky imperfections of analog mediums, you can create compelling depictions that make their way into people’s hearts. After studying graphic design, illustrator Daria Solak got back to basics, experimenting with gouache, watercolor, and colored pencils to craft unique pieces inspired by the aesthetics of the ‘90s. Her lively drawings have been featured in children’s books and have led to collaborations with brands like CASETiFY, Anthropologie, and Hallmark.
In this online course, learn to create vibrant illustrations with watercolor and colored pencils. Combine handmade patterns, textures, and details to develop meaningful portraits full of character, exploring everything from color theory to composition. Embrace the power of simplicity and bring your world to life with original works of art.
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