Автор: Digital Energy Mandala
Название: Orgone Energy
Зафиксированные эффекты Orgone Energy
ORGONE ENERGY - The energy of vitality. It vitalizes the body very quickly and gets stuck qi moving quickly and easily. This one is quite strong and can be very stimulating. Also great for vitalizing drinking water quickly.
How to Use: Open the mandala on your chosen device and use throughout the day as often as possible. Amplify the energy as needed.
Included Signatures: Orgone.
Includes Four Formats:
1) Large computer screen format;
2) Small computer screen format;
3) Smart phone screen format;
4) PDF document for printing
Название: Orgone Energy
Зафиксированные эффекты Orgone Energy
- Нейтрализует EMF излучение
- Очистка от негативной энергии
- Помощь в сосредоточении и медитациях
- Поддержка здорового сна
- Устранение стресса
- Очищение ауры
- Структурирует воду
- Усиление роста живых организмов
ORGONE ENERGY - The energy of vitality. It vitalizes the body very quickly and gets stuck qi moving quickly and easily. This one is quite strong and can be very stimulating. Also great for vitalizing drinking water quickly.
How to Use: Open the mandala on your chosen device and use throughout the day as often as possible. Amplify the energy as needed.
Included Signatures: Orgone.
Includes Four Formats:
1) Large computer screen format;
2) Small computer screen format;
3) Smart phone screen format;
4) PDF document for printing
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