Курс арктурианского исцеления [Rafael Aleixo]


Команда форума
22 Фев 2018
Be an arcturian therapist
Heal and be healed with the sacred energy of the 5th dimension
If you've come this far, it's because something is screaming inside you.
Listen to your inner call.
We know what it’s been like lately. You miss something you can’t explain.
Spiritually lost
There are many different names, techniques, symbols and beliefs and this makes you feel lost, not knowing where to start or who to believe.
Confusing information
The videos and texts you consume on the internet are clashing, each one saying one thing and you don’t know who to believe.
You wants a new healing technique
Aromatherapy, chromotherapy and reiki you already know or have heard of. But you want to learn about or add a new, totally different healing technology.
You want to open your mind but you don't know where
You’ve felt the inner call to expand your consciousness but you have no idea where to start.

Get access to the world's largest holistic course.
Approved on every continent on Earth.
More than 17 million people have already been cured with the technologies taught in this course.

The largest arcturian healing course in the world
Program content
The universal law
Quaternary man's imbalance
Psychosomatic diseases
The quaternary body
What is energy?
Basic spiritualist concepts
Introduction to the arcturians
Who are the arcturians?
The dimensions of the universe
The work of the arcturians
Introduction to arcturian healing
Procedures for initial arcturian healing session
Directions for getting started
Activation of the maharic shield and the star merkabah
Activation of the being of light
Arcturian healing level i
The use of crystals in arcturian healing
Meditation on opening the crown chakra
Level i symbols
Arcturian healing level ii
Multidimensional meditation
Level ii symbols
Arcturian healing level iii
Tomar's crystal temple meditation
Level iii symbols
Arcturian healing level iv
Meditation room blue regeneration and rejuvenation
Level iv symbols
Arcturian healing closure
Details and tips for arcturian healing
Arcturian planetary healing
Introduction to planetary healing
Personal energy corridor activation
Remote arcturian healing
Introduction to arcturian distance healing
Materials needed for remote arcturian healing
Manipulation of the arcturian multidimensional table
Arcturian radionic table
How to heal planet earth

Facilitator Rafael Aleixo: After graduating with a degree in alternative medicine, he has participated throughout his life in dozens of holistic forms of healing. Currently, he works with Arcturian healing. Born in a spiritualist home, he has been in contact with multidimensional brothers and sisters since he was 4 years old.
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